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This is an edited transcript of on SitePoint that took place in early August, 2015.


嗨,Guilherme! 您最近在SitePoint论坛上成功运行了 。 恭喜你! 你觉得怎么样? (Hi Guilherme! You ran a successful on the SitePoint forums recently. Congratulations! How do you feel?)

Hi Angela, thank you! It was very fun. I feel great, so many people showed up and asked really interesting questions.

嗨安吉拉,谢谢你! 很好玩 我感觉很好,很多人出现并提出了非常有趣的问题。

大! 首先,对于那些可能不熟悉您的工作的人,您能告诉我一些关于您自己的事情吗? (Great! Firstly, for those who may not be familiar with your work, could you tell me a little about yourself?)

My name is Guilherme Müller, and I’m a freelance web developer based in Curitiba, Brazil. I’ve been working with the web since 2004, and have followed SitePoint for about the same time.

我的名字叫GuilhermeMüller,我是巴西库里提巴的一名自由网页开发人员。 自2004年以来,我一直在使用网络,并在大约同一时间关注SitePoint。

I am a full-stack developer using HTML, CSS, JS, PHP and MySQL. I’m passionate about how languages work together in bringing a web page to life, and I enjoy teaching that. I’m also a graphic designer by training, which helps bridge the gap between the design and programming components.

我是使用HTML,CSS,JS,PHP和MySQL的全栈开发人员。 我对语言如何协同工作以使网页栩栩如生充满热情,并且我很喜欢教书。 我也是经过培训的图形设计师,这有助于弥合设计和编程组件之间的鸿沟。

您是如何第一次了解SitePoint的? 是什么促使您接触并创建课程的? (How did you first become aware of SitePoint? And what prompted you to reach out and create a course?)

It’s been a long time! I remember searching the web for the best resources on how to build a website, and SitePoint was the main site that I kept coming back to read. Throughout the years, I had bought and read many of SitePoint’s print books. They were very important in my development. When an announcement was made to trial the beta site (Learnable, now SitePoint Premium), I was one of the first in line.

已经很久了! 我记得在网络上搜索有关如何构建网站的最佳资源,SitePoint是我一直回读的主要站点。 这些年来,我购买并阅读了许多SitePoint的印刷书籍。 它们对我的发展非常重要。 当宣布要试用该Beta网站(Learnable,现在为SitePoint Premium)时,我是第一个加入该网站的人。

I’ve always wanted to teach subjects like HTML and CSS, and I saw this as an opportunity and submit work to SitePoint, a company that I’ve always liked! That was when I created my first course, Layout Techniques with HTML and CSS (now deactivated).

我一直想教诸如HTML和CSS之类的课程,我把这作为一次机会,并向我一直喜欢的公司SitePoint提交了工作! 那是我创建第一门课程“使用HTML和CSS的布局技术”(现已停用)的时候。

您是否曾经有过教学的经验,或者您只是在想“我知道一些前端Web开发,为什么不尝试教学?” (Did you have any experience in teaching beforehand, or did you just think “I know a bit of front-end web development, why not try teaching?”)

No, I didn’t have much experience in teaching when I recorded my first course. However, building websites every day gave me a lot of experience in beginning a new project over and over again. I figured that many people could benefit from this knowledge, as some people had difficulty identifying which images they should export from a design when working from a PSD and what can be achieved with HTML and CSS in the site’s formation.

不,当我录制第一门课程时,我在教学方面没有太多经验。 但是,每天建立网站给我一次又一次地开始新项目的很多经验。 我认为许多人可以从此知识中受益,因为有些人难以确定在使用PSD进行工作时应从设计中导出哪些图像,以及在网站结构中使用HTML和CSS可以实现什么。

To this day I think that many beginners have a lot of questions when it comes to building a new website from scratch or from an established design.


您从教在线课程中学到了什么,您发现了什么惊奇? (What did you learn about teaching an online course, what did you find surprising?)

When we teach, we always learn a lot. I found that the best way to learn a subject is to build a course or write a book about it. You have to know all about the subject and still end up learning more.

当我们教书时,我们总是学到很多东西 。 我发现学习主题的最佳方法是编写一门课程或编写一本有关该主题的书。 您必须了解所有有关该主题的知识,但仍然需要学习更多。

This, and the fact that video editing is tough. To produce a ten minute video you spend roughly 2–3 hours recording and editing. Many weekends go by with recording and editing sessions!

这以及视频编辑很困难的事实。 要制作十分钟的视频,您需要花费大约2-3个小时来进行录制和编辑。 许多周末都会进行录制和编辑会议!

Lastly, creating good quizzes for the courses is challenging! You would think it would be easy to create interesting questions for the students, but I find it’s one of the most difficult parts of the process.

最后,为课程创建良好的测验是具有挑战性的! 您会认为为学生提出有趣的问题很容易,但是我发现这是过程中最困难的部分之一。

您的问答有1000多次浏览。 它怎么样? (Your Q&A had over 1000 views. How was it?)

It was great. Everyone had excellent questions and it was a challenge for me to answer them all! I like this kind of exchange very much, because you are in touch with different minds and points of view.

太好了。 每个人都有很好的问题,要我全部回答都是一个挑战! 我非常喜欢这种交流,因为您接触的是不同的思想和观点。

是否有重复出现的主题? 也许让您停下来思考的问题? (Were there any recurring themes? Perhaps questions that made you stop and think?)

There’s some concern about the way preprocessors are taking over and what that means for the work of a front-end developer. The future of HTML and of browser implementations of the spec and whether HTML is prepared for structuring even larger websites and applications?

人们对预处理器的接管方式以及对前端开发人员的工作意味着什么感到担忧。 HTML和规范的浏览器实现的未来,以及HTML是否准备用于构建更大的网站和应用程序?

I think that we are going to see more discussion about scoping and templating in HTML, as this is becoming more and more important for large-scale websites. CSS is also struggling with that, so maybe the spec will move towards features that will help with the building of larger applications. I think that what developers are doing with preprocessors will have an influence in the future of these languages, just like some of jQuery’s features had influence in the direction of JavaScript.

我认为我们将看到更多有关HTML范围和模板化的讨论,因为这对于大型网站越来越重要。 CSS也在为此而苦苦挣扎,因此规范可能会朝着有助于大型应用程序构建的功能发展。 我认为开发人员对预处理器的处理将对这些语言的未来产生影响,就像jQuery的某些功能对JavaScript的方向产生影响一样。

I still think there’s so much to be implemented of HTML5 in the browser. There are elements like the new input types and others like details and summary that still don’t work well. Just take a look at HTML for email, it’s … well, a mess to say the least. I’d like to see these kinds of things sorted out before moving forward. Email isn’t dependent on the browsers per se, but a major upgrade in HTML for email would be great.

我仍然认为在浏览器中有太多要实现HTML5。 有些元素(例如新的输入类型)以及其他元素(例如detailssummary仍然无法正常工作。 只需看一下电子邮件HTML,至少可以说是一团糟。 我希望在继续前进之前先弄清这些事情。 电子邮件本身并不依赖于浏览器,但是电子邮件HTML的重大升级将是很棒的。

We’re now seeing the browsers that once helped introduce the new elements of HTML “fighting” to see which implements this new CSS effect or JS feature before the other. The discussion on HTML itself has died down a little, in my opinion, and could be revisited.

现在,我们看到的浏览器曾经帮助引入了HTML“战斗”的新元素,以查看哪个先于其他CSS效果或JS功能实现。 在我看来,有关HTML本身的讨论已经淡化了,可以重新讨论。

您对那些学习网络开发的人有什么建议? (What’s your advice to those learning web development?)

My advice is to read, practice and self-assess. Reading books and articles, for me, is the most important aspect. I learned almost all I know through reading. There are a lot of great books and websites out there, SitePoint being one of them, of course.

我的建议是阅读,练习和自我评估。 对我来说,读书和文章是最重要的方面。 通过阅读,我几乎学到了所有知识。 那里有很多很棒的书和网站,SitePoint 当然是其中之一。

Practicing is also very important. Without putting things into practice, you’ll arrive nowhere. The best way to practice is to build websites without any framework or library. That way you’ll learn how everything really works.

练习也很重要。 如果不付诸实践,您将一事无成。 最好的实践方法是建立没有任何框架或库的网站。 这样一来,您将学到一切真正的工作原理。

Finally, to self-assess, to always evaluate and see what could have been done better, is essential. I always make sure that, for every new project I start, I change something in the HTML, CSS, JS or PHP. There is always something that can be improved.

最后,进行自我评估,始终进行评估,看看可以做得更好的事情,这是至关重要的。 我始终确保,对于我启动的每个新项目,我都会更改HTML,CSS,JS或PHP中的某些内容。 总有一些可以改进的地方。

您用网络做过的最酷的事情是什么? (What’s the coolest thing you have done with web?)

I’ve been focussing on developing web applications that solve the client’s problems, that are robust and solid. For example, I’ve been developing a web application for , a Brazilian furniture company. They wanted me to bring the factory, the designer, the store and the consumer together, managed by an admin interface. The system is currently being redesigned, as it’s not fully responsive. Nevertheless, the application worked to eliminate a lot of paperwork … and headaches. Despite its very simple interface, it received a lot of great feedback by the users, mostly store salesmen. I think making something that’s easy to use is the most important thing.

我一直专注于开发解决客户问题的Web应用程序,这些应用程序既牢固又可靠。 例如,我一直在为巴西家具公司开发一个Web应用程序。 他们希望我将工厂,设计师,商店和消费者集中在一起,并通过管理界面进行管理。 由于尚未完全响应,系统当前正在重新设计。 尽管如此,该应用程序还是消除了许多文书工作和头痛。 尽管它的界面非常简单,但是它收到了很多用户的好评,主要是商店的销售人员。 我认为制作易于使用的东西是最重要的。

在我们放手之前,您目前在做什么,或者我们将来会期待什么? (Before we let you go, what are you currently working on, or what can we look forward to in the future?)

I am currently working on some videos for . They’re going to cover more advanced subjects and should be very interesting, especially if you want to try new things in your next website project. I also have some ideas for future courses. If the readers would like to suggest something related to front-end development, it would be very nice to talk to you all!

我目前正在为一些视频。 它们将涵盖更高级的主题,并且应该非常有趣,尤其是如果您想在下一个网站项目中尝试新事物时。 我对以后的课程也有一些想法。 如果读者想提出一些与前端开发有关的建议,那么很高兴与大家交谈!

再次感谢您在论坛上举行问答环节,并与我聊天! (Once again, thank you for holding the Q&A session on the forums and joining me for a chat!)

If you missed the Q&A session you can still . Otherwise catch up on the Q&A with the video below. If you’d like to watch all of our other Q&A sessions check out our compilation.

如果您错过了问答环节,仍然 。 否则,请通过下面的视频继续进行问答。 如果您想观看我们所有其他的问答环节,请查阅“ 汇编。

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